pushing the boundaries of knowledge

Explore the frontier of medical research with the Homi-Lung project’s innovative approaches

Multi-Omics Integration

By combining genomic, proteomic, and microbiomic data, we aim to uncover new insights into the molecular pathways that link pneumonia with cardiovascular and respiratory diseases.

Artificial Intelligence

We deploy sophisticated AI algorithms to predict patient outcomes, tailor treatments, and enhance diagnostic accuracy, making significant strides towards personalized medicine.

Advanced Imaging

Utilizing cutting-edge imaging technology, our team can visualize disease progression and response to treatments in unprecedented detail.

Conducting comprehensive follow-ups on patient cohorts to track disease progression and identify early biomarkers for cardiovascular complications post-pneumonia.


Investigating how the microbiome influences host responses to infections and impacts long-term health outcomes.

Longitudinal cohorts

Conducting comprehensive follow-ups on patient cohorts to track disease progression and identify early biomarkers for cardiovascular complications post-pneumonia.

Unbeatable Excellence


The Homi-Lung project generates significant scientific contributions through its research findings.. Our team regularly publishes research findings in high impact scientific journals, contributing to the global understanding of complex diseases. Access our latest research articles to explore our contributions to scientific knowledge.

Open Data

Committed to transparency and collaboration, the Homi-Lung project offers open access to its clinical data sets and analytical tools. This initiative supports global research efforts by providing comprehensive datasets and fostering innovation through shared knowledge. Our Open Data portal enables researchers and clinicians worldwide to explore and utilize our findings in their work.



The Homi-Lung project collaborates with several national and international initiatives to amplify the impact of its findings.

HAP2 Project

Focuses on validating immunotherapies and developing biomarkers for hospital-acquired pneumonia. It complements Homi-Lung by studying host-microbiome interactions and funding patient inclusion.


Personalizes sepsis treatment based on immune endotypes, assessing acute outcomes while Homi-Lung focuses on long-term complications.


Human Functional Genomics Project

HFGP studies the variability in human immune responses, offering comparative data for post-sepsis assessments in Homi-Lung.



An observational study of COVID-19 patients in Spanish ICUs, offering extensive data on acute and long-term outcomes.


Explore the key clinical trials associated with the Homi-Lung project, which provide essential insights into acute viral infections, long-term cardiovascular complications, and nosocomial respiratory infections.

SAVE-LONG: Investigates the effects of Anakinra on COVID-19 outcomes, providing insights into acute viral infections and long-term cardiovascular complications.

BCG PRIME: Examines the long-term effects of BCG vaccination in the elderly, providing data for comparisons with pneumonia outcomes in Homi-Lung.

ENIRRI Database: Tracks patients with nosocomial respiratory infections across Europe and Latin America, complementing Homi-Lung’s research with broad datasets.

SAVE-MORE: A double-blind randomized clinical trial aiming to study the early treatment of patients with COVID-19 pneumonia with anakinra guided by the biomarker suPAR.

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Homi-Lung is part of the Horizon Europe programme under grant agreement No 101137148.